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What's What

Here's the rundown on the products we offer.

There are all kinds of beard products. The terminology around them varies, we wanted to lay out what we consider to be what, so you're not as confused as we were.

     - This one is pretty easy, these are oils and can be animal, plant, or mineral based (There are pros/cons associated with each).
    Plant based oils are usually made from seeds and nuts, but can also be made from pressings of plants and barks. Animal based oils are usually made from the rendered fat of the animal.

    Many oils have a natural fragrances that are desirable, and for those that have a neutral scent, fragrances are usually added.  

    Common Examples are: Grapeseed Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Linseed Oil, Emu Oil, and many more. 

    All natural, quickly absorbed by hair and skin, beneficial effects on hair/skin hair growth/strength, hydration and softening. Long lasting and inexpensive.
    Cons: Certain Individuals May have skin irritation or allergies, especially with nut and citrus oils.
    Physical Characteristics. They're liquid oils so,.. wet, and oily.

    - Beard butters are made from various butter bases. Vegetable butters are processed and created in a similar manner to animal butters.  
    They are the high high fat and protein portion of the extraction process. Many times during this process oils are also extracted, and used as mentioned above.

    The most common example is Shea Butter which is the base for most beard butters due to the cost and availability. We use shea but in small amounts for its properties and scent, but we mainly use other premium butters for our products including Mango butter, Orange Butter, Lime Butter, Cocoa Butter, Green Tea Butter, and others. 

    Pros: All natural, renewable, being a little thicker means it stays in place longer and can be absorbed better.  With lower oil content butters leave little/no residue. A little goes a long way.
    Cons: Certain Individuals May have skin irritation or allergies, especially with nut and citrus butters. Some Butters have a "base scent" that people do not like. Some butters and their source materials are harder to obtain and manufacture, so there may be a higher cost. 
    Physical Characteristics: Depending on the melting temperature and the oil content in the butter they can range anywhere from a creamy consistency to that similar to beard balms.

     - Beard balms are usually a combination of oils with a high concentration of wax (usually beeswax). May or not be all natural. The wax provides a translucent look, but the oils make the wax soft, and cause it to become even softer with warmth. These are more dense than beard butters, the added density helps with hold, so they are usually designed to aid in styling.

    being a little thicker means it stays in place longer and can provide benefits over a longer time.
    Cons: Certain Individuals May have skin irritation or allergies, as these usually contain natural and man made ingredients. High wax content keeps additional ingredients from being absorbed into the hair/skin as easily. 
    Physical Characteristics: Starts as hard as cold dairy butter, but quickly liquefies with added heat.

    Beard Creams are thinner, and have the consistency of a cream or lotion. 

    Pros: it's a thicker creamy mix, so it stays on and penetrates skin and hair.
    Cons: These usually have a mix of lower grade (and/or non-beneficial) oils and butters blended into them as well as many ingredients that are there for maintaining the lotion consistency that aren't there (or are necessarily good) for your beard. Many have a higher water content and have chemical preservatives.
    We currently don't offer any beard creams as we don't see that they provide any added benefit over our balms, butters, and oils.
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Exponent Solution Providers
Oregonia Ohio, 45054



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